Thursday, August 6, 2009

Cooking With Potato

Everyone loves potatoes. Who doesn’t ? But sometimes you could get a bit exasperated eating the same dish made of potatoes every day.The only food my children eat without any pressurizing is POTATO. They love it fried or cooked with a creamy gravy. They relish it when it is cooked with coconut cream. This recipe is most popular among my native folk. I tend to use less spice in my food because my children abhor the too spicy stuff , the fiery ones. Those of you who love trying different recipes, could try this one too. This is written in the simplest method so as not to confuse the cook.

There are some adjustments which I did make , to the original recipe that my Mother delighted us with. The changes were necessary to cater my children’s palate.
There are no hard and fast rules here . You could change and adjust some of the ingredients accordingly .You could either add more or less spices. The spices I have used here would be available in any Asian or Indian supermarkets.

Potato In Coconut Cream

The Ingredients ( Serves 2-3 persons )

2 large boiled potatoes

2-3 pieces of chopped garlic

1 medium sized onion finely chopped

1 green chilly chopped ( optional)

Half a tsp mustard seeds

Half a tsp fenugreek seeds

1 tsp turmeric powder

1 tsp curry powder ( you can adjust accordingly)

One tablespoon of oil

A few curry leaves ( optional)

Salt to taste

1 cup water (250-300ml)

3 generous tablespoons of coconut powder

Coriander leaves for garnishing


Cut boiled potatoes into chunks. Heat the oil in a pan .When the oil gets heated , put in the mustard and the fenugreek seeds .

As it starts to splutter, turn in the chopped onion and the green chilly. Cook till onions become translucent and then stir in the garlic and the curry leaves . (cook for less than a minute)

Mix in the turmeric and the curry powder. Add the cup of water into the pan and bring it to a boil.

Now put the boiled potatoes into the cooking broth. Mix in the coconut powder and give it a quick stir, so that no lumps form.

Lastly add salt to taste .Cover the pan and simmer for 2 minutes . Garnish with chopped coriander leaves.

This could be eaten as an accompaniment either with

1; Hot toasted bread and a salad of your choice
2; Steamed rice and a meat dish of your choice.

Bon Apetit!


  1. Thanks for sharing, I love to try new recipes!

  2. This sounds very good, will try it!

  3. Anonymous07 August

    Coconut cream, how interesting...sounds really good. I bet it would be good with a sweet potato also. I too would have to alter the spices since there are a lot of them that cause my stomach to act up, but the fenugreek is something I can use. Thanks so much for posting this recipe.

  4. Anonymous24 August

    This look Interesting always ready to try something new!
