Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What's Spring Got To Do With It.. .....

Beaming ,we welcome Spring with it’s pleasant atmosphere and bountiful resources  and all the goodness that comes with it. As much as we look forward to the warm cool breeze and the pleasant feeling we all experience and associate with this season, we must also admit that it brings along all kinds of  flu symptoms that we  are not at all  pleased about.Children tend to fall sick quite often during Spring .When school reopens after the short Spring break , various kinds of viruses  that are prevalent, spread as fast as lightening during this period.Even  children, who experience a mild form of flu  become lethargic and loose their will to study play or eat.  When their appetite is lost everything and everyone around them  becomes panicky and tends to go berserk.This applies, specially  to my home…..
I try all kinds of home remedies to keep them from falling too sick.Since they wouldn’t even look at their plate of food.I get them to eat some alternatives like soups.They actually don’t mind eating a bowl of soup, with a few pieces of veggies floating,than  the rice and curry, Besides soups are very healthy and are known to prevent several flu related health problems.They are great rejuvenators. I make soup from scratch, with a few vegetables,chicken ,herbs and some mild spices.Even though soup made from instant packets are not healthy ,they taste good.So every now and then I make soup, using ready made mix,but give it a home touch ,by adding some extra flavourings.

Soup made from scratch-Chicken and  a few veggies

Soup made from scratch –with vegetables

Instant soup with a home made touch


  1. wow what a lovely thoughts and pics

    beautiful place ,thanks for sharing god bless

  2. hMm,, YummY,, feel sO hungry now..

    nice post..
    visit Here, please

  3. the homemade soup looks delicious!

  4. I got sick a week ago and was eating only veggie soups for three days. I love your soups, what is in your second picture soup? I consume onion daily but this time did not protect me:))


  5. Mom used to cook me soup especially when I'm sick. I'm missing that. :D I have not known how to make one since I don't really cook. Lol.
