Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Remember This Too Shall Pass

Reflecting on the  views  of  Richard Carlson, the  writer who penned simple solutions on how  to keep daily responsibilities and household chaos from taking over your life   in one of the many ’Don’t sweat the small stuff ‘, books , made me  realize and acknowledge how motivational his ideas were and how inspiring he was as a writer,author,speaker and a family man.He has shared  with his readers his perception of how to handle household chaos in a very easy and comprehensive manner. No doubt the book is full of immeasurable facts and encouragement on every reasonable topic from how to manage stress to coping difficulties and managing the house without sweating the small stuff. He has high lighted the importance of family values in every point of view. And each chapter has been  written under  different topics relating to our home, environment and those near and dear. 
He is one of my favourite writers of the modern times. A motivational speaker who rose to fame with his ‘Dont Sweat The Small stuff series .It was quite by chance  during a visit to the bookstore that I happened to stumble upon this book.And by the time I finished reading I had become an ardent fan.With his straightforward opinions on how to tackle life’s obstacles,challenges, other negative emotions and also the many little things that  infuriate us at the slightest provocation,he has encouraged us to think optimistically. He has elaborated that these are barricades that could be maneuvered tactfully   in our quest for peace, happiness and love .
Although I have read this book an umpteenth time., I keep turning to it for moral support whenever I need to defy my unbalanced  state of mind, presumably when I am at my weakest every month.
Adapting some of his opinions that he set forth in his writing  and putting them  to practice has  enabled me  to accomplish  my  daily household  chores  in a stable mind-set which otherwise was impossible.Especially during weekdays- In the mornings ( this is the time the commotion begins) when everyone is in a hurry to go about their business: to school, workplace  leaving behind the  thoroughly exhausted self to clean-up the aftermath of the big mad rush.
Here is a  quote  from the book  that changed the whole outlook dealing with the hustle and the bustle, ‘The best and the most effective way to maintain a grateful spirit and keep yourself from being overwhelmed is to remember that all things –even the hard things –will pass.’
Am I glad! I now get about my daily household tasks with  an upbeat approach..


  1. Hi! Welcome back! I haven't read the book, but sounds great. Basically for my problems I look within and normally don't go for external help.

  2. Cool! Yes, this too shall pass. But my God, the commotion in the mornings was unbearable to me too when i was in KSA- the school van at 6.50, my hubby at 7.00- a missing socks, a forgotten homework:( The cup of tea at 7.30 lazing on the sofa is something i still yearn for:)))
