Sunday, August 16, 2009

Thrash that Rash!

Today I was reading some health issues on my favorite Health website www., when this informative slide show caught my attention. Sometimes we all take skin rashes for granted, simply brushing it aside for a minor irritating nuisance.
There are a lot of causes that trigger a rash to erupt on your skin and the most common of them is due to an Allergy. Years back, my younger daughter had to deal with a skin irritation, called Hives, which I learnt later was triggered by an allergic reaction. Consequently I took an interest in reading anything about allergies, their symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Thank God gradually she overcame this irritable quandary.
Childhood illnesses like chicken pox, measles, are also known for the rash that develops during the incubation period.
Fortunately, most rashes can be alleviated by medicines or just go away without complications. For me, the presumption was that any kind of rash on the skin was due to an allergic reaction .But I was wrong!
It astounds me that a rash could also indicate an underlying illness. Rash could also be something fatal. It could be an early sign of cancer. This admonition could be adhered to seek treatment in the early stages to prevent further complications.
This slideshow enlightens the reader/viewer to emphasize the kind of rash that is in need of immediate medical attention. Nonetheless it is always advised to get your doctor’s opinion.

Precancerous Skin Lesions and Skin Cancer Slideshow

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  1. مدونة أكثر من رائعة

  2. thanks for the link, I actually need to get to the doctor and have something looked at under my eye!

  3. Thanks for the information... I really need to get to the dermatologist and have some things checked out!

  4. Wow, I am glad you shared this @__@ you never know what lurks from within! I already have psoriasis, so I'm hoping I don't have anything else!

  5. hello there, nice to see you blog ^^
    would you mind to follow my blog?

  6. Thanks for posting :D

    I particularly liked the elephant post. :)

    Keep at it!

  7. Anonymous20 August

    Hi Aynzan,
    I love the blog picture you have in your blog title. Is that you? How slender you are, that is because you eat right. I am trying to put on a little weight, but who knows if that will ever happen the way I have to eat.
    Great post, I am going to go now to check out the rashes.
