Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Beauty Pagaent Of A Different Kind

The other day an extraordinary article in the local newspaper caught my attention and it appeared truly incredible.Perhaps I was intrigued by the title that I read it immediately. According to the paper, a beauty contest  has been scheduled   to be hosted here in Saudi Arabia. 'What!' 'A beauty contest ! Here in Saudi Arabia!' That was my first reaction when  reading that particular subject.But reading further I came to understand that this pageant is of a different kind.
Those participating, are from all corners of the Arabian peninsula.These contestants  from  all over the GCC countries will be vying for the prized  crown or  could it be a head dress or a headband? Maybe who knows? All these would-be contestants are obviously  natural beauties..Nevertheless I am still pondering how they might be judged.Will they be judged simply for their beauty or for their overall intelligence or how they would carry themselves on the ramp ??The  lucky winner  will not only  wear the crown  but  will be showered with bundles of notes.If given an opportunity to attend this one-of-a-kind event,which definitely will be celebrated with much pomp and pageantry,I will  without any hesitation  join  the fun. I am on the edge of my seat in anticipation  to witness this exceptional  beauty pagent purely for the  reason that they are four-legged. I have heard of cats and dogs being crowned but camels?? Oh yes ! you heard me correct!

On further researching about this interesting event,I came to know that the event is on going and will  continue for the next couple of weeks.More than 13,000 camels from Saudi Arabia,the UAE and other Gulf Arab countries have  been  flocked  inside a huge  enclosed area,for the region’s largest camel beauty contest.This spectacular  event is being  held in the North of  Saudi Arabia.A panel comprising  camel connoisseurs will chose three winners at the final day of the event..
As  enthusiastic as I am about this  whole  event , I  am  a little disappointed I am not even  a bystander  at this Kingdom's first ever beauty pageant for the ships of the desert.In any case I am depending on my reliable source ,the internet for future  updates.Before signing off,here’s me cheering… the impending winners, Hip Hip Hurrah!!
Picture source-internet

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

An Inspirational Quote

Trees are poems the earth writes upon the sky.We fell them down and turn them into paper that we may record our emptiness.” 
-Khalil Gibran-

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Power Of Punctuation

Punctuation marks are ciphers that point out the structure and the meaning of written language.In written English,punctuation is very important so as to make it more comprehensible the meaning of a sentence. In order words, punctuation helps the reader to  understand the written text easily.Words and stories have to to be arranged in proper  order for the reader to sufficiently  grasp the story.Without properly punctuating a story, the reader would n’t  understand what you are trying to convey. I have created a picture blog depicting the popular text ‘woman without her man is nothing’ See how punctuation can also totally change the meaning of a text.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Of Tell-a-Tale And Fairy-Tales

Eid has come and gone. And with it the whole ambiance changed as well. I wholeheartedly welcome this change but wondering how I am going to cope the colder days ahead. Already the festivity mood has vanished into thin air despite the fact that the holidays are still on. My children will get back to school this Saturday. Till then, its hubbub everyday with all four, staggering for the television or the computer. And what more with the arrival of the latest thingy by name of play station 3, the children cannot differentiate day and night and if they had eaten their meals or not. How ever I have come to a decision that once school reopens, this newest gizmo will be veiled for awhile in a probable attempt to divert the children’s attention more toward school activities.

With the four at home, noise and clamor is an everyday thing. They have found ways and means to bring the house upside down. It‘s like we are celebrating Halloween here. Recently they scared the guts out of me with an eerie music they played on and off via their latest gizmo. And mind you, top of all this, there’s the high-pitched blaring that takes place in between regular intervals. Mine vs theirs. The only favourable outcome I have achieved so far from this screeching is my vocals cords have all toned up, though sadly not too good to put into use in a singing competition. Nonetheless this hullabaloo generated by my children on a daily basis has not changed my attitude towards them at all. My heart grows fonder day after day and my love for them deeper.

The children having a break from school has a positive side too. There is plenty of quality time that's being spent with each other and this - bonding, brings us much closer. As much as they create a mayhem, children also bring into our lives lots of fun, laughter and happiness.
The other day, extremely astounded, my seven year old came to me and said ‘Mom! I think she’s going to marry a frog.'    
My first reaction was a surprised, 'What! Who?' Although quite amused at this, I kept asking him how sure was he with his announcement. Then he went on ‘I am sure Mom. I heard her telling someone on the phone. Go, ask her.'
'Yes! Yes! Go ask her,' prompted my ten-year-old in an encouraging manner. Even though I found this outlandish, I thought it would be better if I got an explanation from my daughter so as to clear any doubts and alleviate all forms of suspicions from the perplexed two.
I was laughing my wits off when I heard my daughter very coolly say 'Oh that! My friend and I were talking about Walt Disneys’ The Princess and the Frog.'
'Marry a frog? What was he thinking! It happens only in Fairy Tales!'
Oh ! Dear Me! Why wasn’t I thinking?

(image source courtesy internet)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Remember This Too Shall Pass

Reflecting on the  views  of  Richard Carlson, the  writer who penned simple solutions on how  to keep daily responsibilities and household chaos from taking over your life   in one of the many ’Don’t sweat the small stuff ‘, books , made me  realize and acknowledge how motivational his ideas were and how inspiring he was as a writer,author,speaker and a family man.He has shared  with his readers his perception of how to handle household chaos in a very easy and comprehensive manner. No doubt the book is full of immeasurable facts and encouragement on every reasonable topic from how to manage stress to coping difficulties and managing the house without sweating the small stuff. He has high lighted the importance of family values in every point of view. And each chapter has been  written under  different topics relating to our home, environment and those near and dear. 
He is one of my favourite writers of the modern times. A motivational speaker who rose to fame with his ‘Dont Sweat The Small stuff series .It was quite by chance  during a visit to the bookstore that I happened to stumble upon this book.And by the time I finished reading I had become an ardent fan.With his straightforward opinions on how to tackle life’s obstacles,challenges, other negative emotions and also the many little things that  infuriate us at the slightest provocation,he has encouraged us to think optimistically. He has elaborated that these are barricades that could be maneuvered tactfully   in our quest for peace, happiness and love .
Although I have read this book an umpteenth time., I keep turning to it for moral support whenever I need to defy my unbalanced  state of mind, presumably when I am at my weakest every month.
Adapting some of his opinions that he set forth in his writing  and putting them  to practice has  enabled me  to accomplish  my  daily household  chores  in a stable mind-set which otherwise was impossible.Especially during weekdays- In the mornings ( this is the time the commotion begins) when everyone is in a hurry to go about their business: to school, workplace  leaving behind the  thoroughly exhausted self to clean-up the aftermath of the big mad rush.
Here is a  quote  from the book  that changed the whole outlook dealing with the hustle and the bustle, ‘The best and the most effective way to maintain a grateful spirit and keep yourself from being overwhelmed is to remember that all things –even the hard things –will pass.’
Am I glad! I now get about my daily household tasks with  an upbeat approach..

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Time And Tide Wait For None

Sometimes I have the tendency to put off things that should be dealt with right away. By postponing the task  for another day, I found that things have got amassed and the task, mind-numbing .Like for instance clearing my emails that have gone beyond a thousand. That does n't mean I have a  thousand friends sending me mails everyday. My two boys recently became members of an online game site and pleaded  with me to sign in for their  newsletter and from that day onwards,my inbox has been piling  with mails, mails that keep coming  from Aliens,Robots and Farm animals. Then there are the spammers who send dubious mails trying all sorts of  tactics  to convince me into believing something about  winning a lottery or  that I have been  bequeathed  with a fortune  from  a relative whom I have never heard of.Do I fall for those !No way..Somehow or the other, spam mails  have found their way into my inbox,turning  my mail box into a junk box. A boxful of doubt and uncertainty. Hence it’s obvious, I find it difficult to put together the good and dispose the bad mails. Now just imagine how cluttered my inbox is with all those mails hoarded. 
Nevertheless, without any further consideration, I planned to do something, at least check the mails sent by real people.Unwaveringly,I acted fast. Avoiding another wasteful moment, I  hurriedly ran through my mails.What a surprise! Most  of the mails  looked  like they had come from outer space .I too seemed to be caught  floating into space. However after a while,  a few stars caught my attention. The ones I suppose came from this planet.  This one  I am sharing with you is exemplary.It swiftly brought  me back to earth.
It reads something like this..".Now I know why I am gaining weight.It’s because of the shampoo I am using when showering .The label on the bottle says ‘for extra volume and  body’. Therefore  I have decided to use washing liquid ,for the label in that bottle is encouraging.It says ‘dissolves fat  that is otherwise difficult to remove’.
Now do you think I did what I had to do ..No! Perhaps  another time..For I am still in the process of unraveling the treasures sent by real people and  yet again have postponed  clearing my mail box.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Taste Of My Creation

It’s not in any way an ipod  or an ipad or an iphone ,It’s just that  ipickled...

The world is still in mourning  over the death of the Apple genius Steve jobs  and at the same time  it is heartfelt to read so many eulogies from all over the world  accredited to this mastermind of the  apple products, 
However here at  home, I was beyond awe and felt like celebrating  when I  saw  an acclamation fastened by my younger daughter on  one of the bottled  jars, which according to her was  in appreciation for the  pickles that I had created .

See what I mean.. nothing to do with apples right?

                                Made   with a pinch of this and a dash of that 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Good Read

I love books.They keep me entertained when I am bored.There's nothing like a good book which makes me feel quite relaxed and thoroughly contended. Recently I added a few more to my library.This  book which I am raving about in particular, kept me spellbound throughout my reading session.It is based on a true story with full of suspense and drama.This is a story of one woman's struggle to gain freedom from the clutches of the one person whom she thought the world of.And how she endures the  pain and torture  in a country far,far, away from her home. Even though I enjoyed the authors vivid  narration, I still wished she hadn't dragged  religion into it or insulted the culture..I am sure it would have been a totally different picture  had she learned to  adapt to her  new life style with love,admiration and respect. 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Inspirational Blog Award

I sincerely  appreciate  my  blogging pal Moon for her kind gesture passing onto me this  award .I  got to know her through her amazing blog 'Themoonsmile2' which is bounded with ambiance and warmth.The  stories  about her family  which  she narrates  in her blogging are very interesting and  impressive.I am touched by her kindness .Thank you my Friend!

And with the award ,I have to answer the few questions  tagged.

What makes you laugh,smile or giggle?
My childrens' anecdotes.

What are the dreams for the future?
To see my children guided in the right direction.

If you are to go on a cruise where would it be and why?
I'll probably decline the  offer to go cruising.I am afraid of the ocean....

How would you spend your vacation time and with whom?
Spending  quality and quantity time with my family.

If given a choice what life would you choose? Your life now or the past?
My life now..

Is there something you wished before when you were young but you did n't get it
Cannot think of any..

Have you been in a situation where you might have given up but still you chose to move on..
This is a tough one..Can we move on to the next question please?

Is there someone in your life who has been your source of  strength and inspiration?
The ordinary people doing the extraordinary....

Here are some deserving blogs that I wish to tag this award

Please pass this on..

  • Copy and paste the award on your site and copy the link of the person who gave you the award. 
  • Then answer the tag questions! 
  • Nominate any blogs you feel deserve it.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

When Things Go Wrong As They Sometimes Will...

This Ramadan, I was strong-willed to make good use of the month. Besides the extra prayers that I was offering  to the Almighty in appreciation for the  bountiful resources and blessings that he has had showered on all of us: me, you and everyone. I was also determined  to make use of Ramadan - which also relates to fasting, to reduce some of those extra fat from my body. A strategy was firmly set to do some exercises, to burn off those huge amount of calories that was going to be shoveled into my mouth at the time of breaking the fast. With  great strength of mind (so I thought) I wrote down in my notepad the list of items ‘to do’ that would help me keep in shape. And the first entry in the list was  ‘eat less fried food’. Did I abide by my rules? I didn’t think so. The foremost reason was due to the food that I kept preparing for the family to feast at the end of each fast (iftar) which was a daily occurrence during sunset. While preparing the food for iftar, I would be persistent which food would be shoved into my mouth and which wouldnt. But all those became momentary, when I sat with the rest of my family to break our fast. Who wouldn't take pleasure in eating the 'hot hot’ samosas, and the mouth-watering  crispy pastries or the spicy rice porridge that  bubbled  in the pot. I just couldn’t resist. And the plan to do some ‘work out’ didn't go well either: the mere thought of running on the treadmill made me go weak at the knees.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Happy Eid

Wishing all my Muslim readers a joyous Eid-Ul-Fitr. This is a happy occasion which is celebrated just after the ending of Ramadan.  

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ramadan In Saudi Arabia

I haven’t been updating my blog recently. It’s Ramadan, the month of fasting. The month where we tend to pray more and ask the Al mighty for forgiveness. Muslims all over the world abstain from eating and drinking from dawn to dusk. This act is obligatory towards all muslims irrespective of caste whether rich or poor. Every day, right through this month, millions of people who are fasting, do exactly the same thing, when  the call for magreb prayer (sun set prayer) is heard. Families gather around the table to break their fast. Only after the initial consumption of dates and water that the other meals are served. During this month the rich do a lot of charitable work. According to a local newspaper, the Saudi Gazette, a million worshippers are served everyday, with – yogurt, dates, and Saudi coffee for iftar (breaking of fast). More than 10,000 citizens and local residents bring the food into the mosque on small carts. Zamzam water is distributed to the congregation from water coolers. Zamzam is the name of the sacred well in the holy city that supply the water to billions of people. For worshippers from across the globe, to break their fast in the two holiest mosques in Saudi Arabia is a great experience. They are fortunate to experience this one of a kind moment.

Photo source: Arab News

Muslims across the globe break their fast with  dates (fruit grown on palm trees)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Trip To The Tea Country

The Tea Country is the most picturesque location of Sri Lanka with spectacular views of mountain ranges and narrow valleys, meandering roads and waterfalls. During our recent summer vacation, we had the opportunity of staying in a bungalow which was nestled amongst tea bushes, overlooking the Castlereagh reservoir. The beautiful Rivendell bungalow is set upon the crest of the tea plantations. The cool climatic condition was an added windfall to all of us who were trying to get away from the humidity in the capital city.The magnificent view from the bungalow’s balcony was breathtaking. The setting in the vicinity is  naturally embedded. The sight of tea bushes, waterfalls and a reservoir was refreshing and revitalizing.The whole ambiance in this location was a complete change. I think, for the first time in many years, we were breathing pure, fresh and clean air. This getaway was a great experience. We spent three lovely days here, with new things to explore and experience.We carry with us beautiful memories of Rivendell.

Tea plantation - Sri Lanka (Ceylon) is known for producing quality tea

The food served here was traditional rice and curry. In Sri Lanka, almost all the vegetables are cooked with spices and coconut milk.I got to indulge in some favourites too.‘Mallum’ green leaves  minced and eaten as a salad .I loved the sweet and spicy taste of red beets, which was finely cut into julienne.Mouth watering Thallana Battu (Thai eggplant) was cooked with a lot of spices and fiery condiments.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Have A Break! Have A Cool Summer!

Summer is  officially here!  ( Picture illustrated by my daughter)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

How Children Interpret

Children need not have to watch an adult movie on television or "grown-up" only channels to grasp the concept of violence. They learn it anyway watching their favourite cartoons on the kids' channels!
The other day, my older son, who will be seven later this year, was deeply engrossed in his world of drawing. While admiring his artistic creations, my eyes caught the attention of a specific one; this particular picture enthralled me. To me, it depicted something like a NASA Space Shuttle landing safely on Earth.
However, driven by curiosity, I asked my son to tell me the beautiful story he had just put on paper. I was flabbergasted when I heard his interpretation.
The picture which looked like a Space Shuttle was indeed a 'Missile', which according to my son was launched from outer space and that the aliens were waging a war against the Earth. I thought his imagination was running helter-skelter.
Gathering some patience, I calmly questioned him as to how he got the concept of the aliens destroying or attacking the earth. I just gaped, when he, in his childish innocence, said, "I watched it on Cartoon Network."
As parents, we have to play the role of a 'Teacher', especially the mother, whom the child spends most of the day with'.
If you think your child is watching too much television (even if it's a kids' cartoon programme) or watching channels which you think are not suitable for his age, try to divert his attention somewhere else, like; reading, writing, drawing/painting, (which did work quite marvellously, with my four "Fond Of The Television" children).
Exposing children to all kinds of violence on television, be it the war, the killings/shootings taking places in schools in other countries, violent protests on the streets and even the children's cartoons with the wrong message, can subsequently carry a negative impact on the growing young minds. With this type of adverse effect, they will lack the social skills to interact with their peers. Some children learn to mimic improper and violent actions of some cartoon characters and develop unhealthy attitudes like being arrogant and aggressive.
Our duty is to teach the children positive attitudes in life from their tender age, instil good habits and good behaviour into them, and mould them to be good human beings in their later years.
Nonetheless, we should set restrictions and guide them to watch appropriate television programmes and channels. Being too harsh or punishing them severely for watching inappropriate programmes, will only aggravate the situation. We should also bear in mind that under such circumstances, always try different options to fix the problem; not mix and mess it.
It is our responsibility to spend 'quality' time with our loved ones, bonding and sharing special moments with them, so that 'quantity' time in front of the television is reduced. We should also learn to relax with our children (away from the TV room), take them outdoors sometimes and have time to give ears to their voices however much, insignificant it may sound. And, I, as a mother, learnt a lesson as well, from my son's drawing. I learnt to value his opinion.

( This is my article which was published in a newspaper magazine)

My son's cyber painting


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Consumer Rights

As habitual, I turned to the online edition of my native country’s newspaper, for local news . While reading,I was drawn towards an article which I thought was creditable.It was a worthy act taken by Sri lanka's Health Ministry ,who has directed food manufacturers throughout the nation to take care when printing the date of production,the date of expiry and the ingredients used on the food and drink labels, which will be in effect from July.
From now on, manufacturers will have to strictly abide by the new regulations imposed by the Ministry when selling their manufactured goods.

The Health Ministry has also cautioned the public to keep vigilant on the sale of unhygienic and outdated canned food items and various soft drink products sold by supermarkets, groceries and other food outlets. This move will in fact make the consumers more watchful of what they purchase from the supermarkets or the grocers.They should take extra care to always check labels for the production and expiry dates. In addition,they must make it a point to read the labeled ingredients ,so that they will know if that particular product is good or harmful to them..They now have the right to report to relevant authorities any sale of unhygienic or outdated food stuffs in the supermarket. This step will also make the traders think twice about selling cheap and unhygenic food items with the intent of making quick cash.The risk of falling sick eating food which is outdated or unhygienic,is on a greater altitude, so consumers too should treat this warning as an eye opener .

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

E-Coli Is Back

Cucumbers exported from Spain to Germany have been contaminated with the E-coli bacteria, that’s what I have been reading lately.Now this gives me the goose bumps.This is the only vegetable my children eat without a fuss.They love it in their salad . This is freaking me out. After this disturbing news, I kept checking my refrigerator compartment to ensure there were no traces of dirt or dirty particles embedded in my stored cucumbers .I wash them well ,all of the vegetables. ‘Please conserve water ,don’t waste’ ,everyone cries! But how can we think of using water sparingly in a situation like this. As it is ,I wash and scrub these vegetables thoroughly if I use them in salads. It is alarming however to watch the food enthusiasts demonstrate on television their culinary know hows and cooking their favourite vegetables or meat, straight from the packet to the pan.When do they wash the vegetables or meat? How ever much they say the vegetables are hygienic, We got to wash them in clean running water once we bring it home from the grocers and just before cooking them.I remember ,there was this outbreak of E-coli in spinach leaves,a couple of years ago, We being miles away from the affected places stopped eating Spinach through fear. Now it’s back again ,this time tainting the cucumber the ones grown in Spain.
E.coli is short for Escherichia coli - a bacteria (germ) that causes severe cramps and diarrhea. Certain strains of E. coli, possibly create lethal toxins. Food poisoning by E. coli is usually caused by undercooked meat, unpasteurized milk and juice, raw fruits and vegetables , feces of infected people, and contaminated water. It also causes serious and life-threatening complications .The illness varies considerably;it can be fatal, particularly to the young and the elderly . This bacteria lives in the digestive tracts of animals and humans and most are typically harmless. They help our body break down and digest food. Nonetheless, some strains of E. coli can be very harmful and lead to grave infections that can make us sick quickly.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Something To Reflect Upon

This was an email forward that was sent to me.This is a story  of   a father  explaining to his child the challenges that she may have to deal with , passing through life's journey.

Happy Reading!

Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?
A daughter complained to her father about her life and how things have been so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and she wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed that just as one problem was solved another arose.
Her father, a chef, took her to the kitchen, filled three pots with water and placed the fire on high. Soon the three pots came to a boil. In one he placed carrots, in the other he placed eggs, and the last he placed ground coffee beans. He let them sit and boil, without saying a word.
The daughter sucked her teeth and impatiently wondered what he was trying to do. She had problems, and he was making this strange concoction. In half an hour he walked over to the stove and turned down the fire. He pulled the carrots out and placed them in the bowl. He pulled the eggs out and placed them in the bowl. Then he ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl.
Turning to her he asked. “Darling what do you see?
“Smartly, she replied. “Carrots, eggs, and coffee.
He brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft. He then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg. Finally, he asked her to sip the coffee. Her face frowned from the strength of the coffee.
Humbly, she asked. “What does it mean Father?”
He explained. “Each of them faced the same adversity, 212 degrees of boiling water. However each reacted differently. The carrot went in strong, hard, and unrelenting. But after going through boiling water, it softened and became weak. The egg was fragile. A thin outer shell protected a liquid center. But after sitting through the boiling water, it’s inside became hardened. The coffee beans are unique however. After they were in the boiling water, it became stronger and richer.
Which are you, he asked his daughter? When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?
Are you the carrot that seems hard, but with the smallest amount of pain, adversity, or heat you wilt and become soft with no strength.
Are you the egg, which starts off with a malleable heart? A fluid spirit. But after a death, a divorce, an accident you became hardened and stiff. Your shell looks the same, but you are so bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and heart, internally.
Or are you like the coffee bean? The bean does not get its peak flavor and robust until it reaches 212 degrees Fahrenheit. When the water gets the hottest, it just tastes better.
When things are  worst, you get better. When people talk the most, your praises increase. When the hour is the darkest, trials are there greatest, your worship elevates to another level. How do you handle adversity?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Watermelon- Summer's Delight

Watermelon is the typical fruit to quench the parching throat on a hot summer afternoon.The juice of watermelon  protects the skin from the sun. It also clears and cleanses the skin keeping it healthy and glowing.Watermelons are know to have originated in Africa,tracing it’s origins to the Kalahari deserts. It is noteworthy to mention here,that many centuries ago,watermelons were placed in tombs of the Egyptian kings to nourish them after life.(reference-woman’s magazine). Hence from Egypt, water melons spread along the Mediterranean sea by way of trade .It is a common summer crop and is widely cultivated throughout the world today.There are a variety of water melons produced each year.It consists of 93 per cent water.One or two servings of water melon a day is recommended as it is a multi vitamin fruit and contains Vitamin A B6 and C and also potassium and Iron.A variety of  recipes  can be prepared with this succulent fruit .Many love to indulge in the delightful deserts  made with this luscious fruit. During summer when it is  the peak time for tourism in many countries  chefs around the world display their gastronomic skills, displaying carved fruits and vegetables to the amazement of their guests and  visitors.Also others with a flair for art  come out with innovative  ideas and carve beautiful creations out of watermelons.This giant fruit   takes a prominent place  in my kitchen during Summer..

For easy cleaning –Place an old  sheet of newspaper on the kitchen counter  when you cut water melon.This is an easy way to discard the residue.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Foods That Flare Gout Attacks

I am thankful to blogger Aphra  for reminding me to post the food chart with the foods that should be avoided by a gouty patient. Reducing or avoiding the listed below, helps immensely.Please check with your doctor before following instructions. This is the chart which is affixed to my  kitchen door.I managed to take a copy from my digital camera. Click on the chart for better viewing.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Gout ? Make Dietary Changes !

"Ouch ! That hurts ! What’s that? Gout??" I have never heard of this term until a few months back when my husband was diagnosed with this condition. One particular morning, not so long ago, my hubby complained of a throbbing pain under his heel when he tried to get off the bed. Thinking it was due to fatigue from the previous day’s  spring cleaning, he rubbed some ointment and got about his days’ schedule. Howsoever the pain was too stubborn to go away. That is when he decided to seek medical help. Since we had never heard of this condition before, I began to collect information from the internet. And thank God! There were a whole lot of data available for gout and gouty patients.
Gout is a medical condition typically distinguished by the recurring attacks of acute inflammatory arthritis, tender and hot swollen joints.  It is caused by raised levels of uric acid in the blood which crystallize and is deposited in joints and in surrounding tissues.Gout is one form of arthritis which can be triggered by certain types of food and also which can be reduced by avoiding those particular food from the diet
Both dietary changes and medications can decrease uric acid levels. Once the acute attack has sinked,levels of uric acid can be brought down through lifestyle alterations.Reducing intake of food such as meat and seafood  and certain vegetables with are high in purines and proteins also helps.
To help us understand this condition better,  my husband was given a chart from the hospital with a list of food that he should eliminate from  his diet. I have attached it to the  kitchen door for quick reference. I run through the list everyday before preparing our daily meals.