Sunday, February 6, 2011

Healthy Choices

The pharmacy close to my house recently  distributed booklets on dietary advice. My husband brought home one.I thought this was  laudable  on their part for creating awareness to eat healthy and live healthy.This was all about taking the  right steps to prevent hypertension. It’s always good to be aware and take necessary actions  to avoid being a victim to this deadly illness.

Eating food with low sodium helps  to reduce blood pressure ,which is the major cause for heart problems. A lot of pre-cooked and processed food have high sodium. ,We try to  avoid eating   them as much as possible . Another helpful hint  I  gathered from this booklet was,  to  forget  salt and add more herbs and spices in the food . Or switch to cooking food with chili,ginger and lemon for flavouring,  instead of salt . Oh! Dear! I have a penchant for salty foods. So to begin with, I must
work on that..

It’s about time I took  these guidelines seriously.   ’Why don’t you do some walking Mom,’ , suggested my daughter , when I showed concern about my weight. But then again, just the mere thought of running on the threadmill, makes me go weak at the knees..


  1. Sometimes being with a stationary equipment is boring and when you are out, you tend to do it again.

    Be a Lifesaver Of Goodness

  2. just think how healthy an exercise will affect at your life and you will be motivated!

    followed you thru linkreferal hope you visit mine

  3. Last few years I've been really watching Sodium intake in my meals.I started cooking every night because as you said the sodium is so high in pre-cooked and processed foods. Cooking myself I noticed that I don't even use that much salt.
