Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Visit To The Book Fair And A Lesson Learnt

Last evening , we went to  a book fair which was held in our locality. My children had got the brochures , which had being distributed at school. As soon as my  husband said that we would be able to attend, the children, especially the sons, got so excited about it and were chattering non-stop about what books they should be buying and what latest books  they were going to select. Lately I have been observing their mind-set during their spare time, I couldn’t be possibly  imagining this , but I feel they are  showing less interest in playing with their toys and have gradually shifted their interests in reading books. Which is a good sign indeed! A sign of development I should say, although  their reading is focused mainly towards the  animated characters that they have been  watching on television,  for most part of their growing years. As a parent ,who loves reading as well ,seized   this  opportunity with the intent of  encouraging them and showing  support towards  their latest inclination.  What is more important is as they grow older , they would with all possibility changed the genre and would be  reading more advanced books.

 By the way, there was so much to browse and I didn’t know where to begin .Eventually I ended up buying a few too.The best part of going to the fair was when I  got an honest opinion (which I least anticipated) from my second daughter, who is fourteen and  a vegetarian by all means. She  suggested a latest copy of a vegetarian’s recipe book, She felt I needed to buy that particular book , in order to experiment new variety and  give flavour to the  vegetable dishes that I have been preparing for her for the past one year. In other words ,she  was  bored eating the same kind of  stuff everyday . What a change of twist! The whole concept of going to the fair was to motivate the youngsters  to move forward in their  reading skills. Who would have thought that I’ll learn a few lessons as well ! Children! what would we do  without them! J

1 comment:

  1. My 8 year old son just picked out three 500+ page books from our book fair. I was impressed.

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